(All in Toronto Time)
Day 1, Saturday March 5th
9:30 am Virtual conference room opens
Volunteers will present to assist attendees with technical issues
10:25 Opening remarks and land acknowledgement
10:30 Opening Keynote: Dr. Marisa Brook (University of Toronto)
Language play and linguistic change: When rule-breaking is rule-governed
11:25 Break
11:30 Amber Merrill (Grinnell College)
Censorship Evasion on TikTok: Methods of Verbal Word Substitution
12:00-1:10 pm Lunch Break
1:20 Katherine Lee (University of British Columbia)
The Effect of Face Coverings on Labial Production
1:50 Montreal Benesch (Reed College)
/s/tylizin’ the /s/elf: A First Look into the Concurrent Fluidity of Gender and Language
2:20 Diana Gil Hamel (University of Toronto)
A Phonetic Analysis of Irish Consonant Mutation
2:50 Break
3:00 Poster Session
Left side of the room:
Aman Sakhardande (University of Toronto)
Loanword Stratification in Marathi

Right side of the room:
Runze Qian (University of Toronto)
“It’s not” vs. “It isn’t” in Three Registers from Canadian English

Day 2, Sunday March 6th
10:00 Virtual room opens
10:30 Friendly Mark H. Andrino and Nuje Mor S. Arsenal (Mindanao State University, Marawi Campus)
11:00 Mechelle Wu (University of Toronto)
I Won’t Be Like: An Investigation of the Use of Constructed Dialogue in the Greater Toronto Area
11:30 Fatemeh Khavaninzadeh (University of Toronto)
Can Spelling Variation Have Social Meaning Too?: A Variationist Study of Persian
12:00-1:00pm Lunch Break
1:10 Patrick Kinchsular and Mikayla Oliver (University of Toronto)
Examining The Mass/Count Distinction in Kirundi and Tshiluba
1:40 Thomas Morton (University of Massachusett Amherst)
2:10 Hannah Parrott (University of Massachusett Amherst)
Children’s Comprehension of Extraposed Sentences