Saturday March 7th
SS1069, Sidney Smith Hall
9:15Breakfast and Registration
9:50Opening Remarks and Land Acknowledgement
10:00 Opening Keynote: Pocholo Umbal, University of Toronto
Towards increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion in the linguistics classroom
11:00 Break
11:10 Milena Injac, University of Toronto
The use of the negative particle βneβ in Quebec French news media
11:35 Justin Leung, University of Toronto
The unified loss of verb particles in Medieval French: a quantitative analysis
12:00 Lunch
13:15 Christopher Legerme, University of Toronto
Antimarkedness constraints in the lexicon?: Evidence from Haitian Creole
13:40 Nicoline Butler, York University
Intonation in Thai-accented English
14:05 Anissa Baird, University of Toronto
I am not my body: a preliminary study of gender identity, gender expression, and their effects on sex-based and gender-based variability
14:30 Break
15:00 Poster Session
Linguistics Department, 4th Floor, Sidney Smith Hall
Ryan MacDonald, University of Toronto
Onset and coda repair in phonetic loanwords from English into Mandarin Chinese
Joseph Jaros, University of Pittsburgh
Learning vocabulary through variable input: how interaction with multiple speakers affects lexical consolidation
Ewen Lee, University of Toronto
Fuzhou tone sandhi: complications and implications of an OT account
Day 2
Sunday March 8th
SS1069, Sidney Smith Hall
9:15 Breakfast
10:00 Yanfei Lu, University of Western Ontario
How do adult L2 learners acquire pronominal prefixes of Oneida (Iroquoian)
10:30 Xinyi Zhang, McGill University
Bilingualism, symbol grounding, and consciousness: a process-dissociation procedure in French-English bilinguals
11:00 Break
11:10 Rosie Owen, University of Toronto
Sweet songs and soft hearts: metaphor in Cuzco Quechua
11:35 Amelia Fineberg, University of California, Berkley
Semantics and grammar: gender in liturgical Hebrew
12:00 Ryann Soltero, Gordon College
Why-wh-movement in Korean
12:25 Lunch
13:45 Ernest Leung, University of Toronto
Derogatory terms in Hong Kong English’s first dictionary and their sociocultural impacts
14:10 Jingshu Yao, University of Toronto
Mom, talk to me in my mother tongue: SES and heritage language maintenance of East and South Asian Canadian community
14:35 Break
15:00 Closing Keynote: Prof. Keren Rice, University of Toronto
Theoretical and practical challenges of phonological variation
Sponsored by:
The Arts and Science Students Union
Department of Linguistics
Department of French
Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Department of Slavic Languages and Literature
Department of English