TULCON15 audience registration is now open! Please make sure to register here to receive the virtual conference link.
As the Toronto Undergraduate Linguistics Conference (TULCON) enters its 15th year, we at the University of Toronto’s Society of Linguistics Undergraduate Students (SLUGS) are looking forward to presenting high-quality undergraduate research from around the world. The 15th TULCON will be held on March 5-6, 2022 (Toronto Time). Given the current circumstances, it will be a virtual conference via Gather.
TULCON is a conference run by undergrads highlighting undergrad research. One of the first of such conferences in North America, TULCON is a fantastic opportunity for undergraduate linguists to meet their peers and get valuable experience presenting their own work.
If you have any questions regarding TULCON 15, please send your inquiry to the official conference email tulcon2022@gmail.com.
Schedule and Abstracts | Register
TULCON15 Updates
(Dec 3, 2021)
SLUGS is looking forward to welcome undergrad linguists from across the globe to present their research at TULCON 15 in early March, 2022. The exec team is honoured to have the opportunity to organize one of the first undergrad linguistics conference in North America as it enters its 15th year.
While SLUGS plans to bring at least some in-person TULCON events back to the St. George Campus, the ongoing pandemic continues to bring us uncertainty. At this moment, we intend to make TULCON 15 a hybrid conference. That being said, as we continuing to monitor the situation, this plan could become unfeasible. After all, it is our priority to make TULCON a safe and accessible event. We will announce our final decision on whether TULCON 15 will be a fully online conference in early January when we officially post our call for abstracts. Please continue to follow us on socials and/or our website for future updates.
If you have any questions, please email us at uoftslugs@gmail.com (Please do not submit any abstract for TULCON to this email. We will have a dedicated email address when the call for abstract is posted in January. Any submission to this email will NOT be read.).
(Archived statement from August 27th, 2021; As of Nov 2021, the CAUT censure has been officially lifted)
The 15th TULCON is planned to be held sometime early March in 2022. As per our usual organizing timeline, SLUGS will begin the call for abstract in January 2022.
SLUGS is aware of the Canadian Association of University Teachers’ (CAUT) censure against the University of Toronto on April 22, 2021, regarding cancelling its offer to Dr. Valentina Azarova under pressure, an act that undermines academic freedom. As a part of Arts & Science Students’ Union (ASSU), SLUGS stands in solidarity with the CAUT censure. (See the ASSU statement here).We demand the university administration to adhere to the demand of CAUT and restore its offer to Dr. Azarova immediately.
The CAUT censure calls for the organizations in the U of T not to invite speakers from other institutions to a speaking engagement at the U of T. Thus, if the censure–already not been addressed appropriately by the admin for too long–is still in effect by the end of the Fall 2021 semester, it will unfortunately impact the organizing of the next TULCON. We are monitoring the situation and preparing contingency plans for TULCON15, including relocating the conference to another GTA institution.